Facility Use Request Form

Please complete this form as far in advance as possible to confirm your reservation. You only need to select items that apply to your request. The church office will follow up with you for more details.

Facilities needed

Equipment needed

Fill in all that apply

Table Cloths:(Quantity)
(Please bleach and return table clothes folded and placed in properly marked tote)
Use of Facilities and Equipment Procedures and Responsibilities
Policies and Regulations Regarding the Use of Facility

The person/organization requesting the use of Church facilities hereby absolves the church, its pastors, leadership, members, or people of any liability for personal injury to any individual resulting from the use of the church facilities and agrees to be responsible for any property damage that results during the use of the facilities. Please report any damage to the church office promptly.

  The programs and activities of special groups requesting building usage must be consistent with Calvary Ellensburg’s Biblical principles, statement of purpose and ministry philosophy. It is to be understood that the facilities and equipment of Calvary Ellensburg exist for the primary purpose of contributing to the welfare of its members and the community through its ministries and organizations. The objectives of the Applicant and the activities conducted on Church grounds must not be in conflict with the mission of Calvary Ellensburg.

- Activities and programs are limited to the space that is assigned.

Regularly scheduled Church meetings and activities  will have first priority in the use of its facilities. Other Church related meetings and functions would have second priority. Groups outside the Church, which are non-profit or ministry related in nature may use the facilities when they are not already scheduled for use by some Church function, and the purpose is ministry related. .

Facilities are not available to outside groups for fund raising activities for profit.
Organizations engaged in partisan political campaigns are not eligible to use Church facilities for their programs.

An Agreement for the Use of Facility shall be completed by all outside organizations requesting facility use. The Applicant will be furnished with a copy of and is required to read, accept and sign the Policies and Regulations Regarding Use of Facility.

A Certificate of Insurance must be provided by all outside groups to Calvary Ellensburg for the purpose of covering liability and property damage or accidents that might occur on Church property. The coverage limits shall be no less than $500,000 and shall list Calvary Ellensburg as an additional insured. If the policy is not provided two weeks prior to the requested event date, the request will be deemed withdrawn.


A Request for Use of Facility must be completed by all outside groups and submitted to the Church office, Attn: Event Coordinator. If the organization and event are approved, then the event will be put on the Church calendar by the Church’s Event Coordinator. The form must be completed at least 1 month in advance of the program or activity. Upon approval, requests are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.

After a request has been made and approved, or in case of any conflicts, the CE Event Coordinator will notify the requester as soon as possible.

The Request for Use of Facility provides for every available area of the Church. Please be sure to indicate the number attending and other service needs (i.e. food, sound, projectors, podium, etc.)

Calvary Ellensburg can not be held liable for any damage or cost as a result of any act or omission related to the event.  All damages or grievances will be the sole responsibility of the person or group reserving the facility.  

Large pieces of furniture may not be moved without prior approval.


The conduct of all persons attending events or programs is expected to be respectful of the church environment.
  • -When children are in attendance they must be under the control of their parents or adults at all times and are not permitted to roam freely on Church property.
  • -Smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances are not permitted in the building or on the grounds of the Church.

Food and/or beverages: The serving of food and/or beverages is allowed in all areas of  the building however, groups may only occupy the areas they have indicated on the Request for Use of Facility Form.

CATERING: Please indicate on FACILITY USE REQUEST FORM if you will be using a caterer and if they will be using the kitchen, also what items from the Banquet Service they will use.  Calvary Ellensburg kitchen appliances, including dishwasher, utensils and tableware, table clothes are available for use, but use of these items should be listed on the USE REQUEST FORM. Caterers should leave the kitchen as clean as they found it.

If using white tablecloths please make sure you look up how to bleach white table cloths and follow the proper portions of bleach to water when you wash them. Please fold them and return them to the appropriate box with the shape of table cloth listed on the tote.

The Applicant is expected to leave the building clean and reset:

Nails, tacks, staples, screws, pins, tape, or anything that will permanently mark the woodwork, pews and wall finishes may not be used.

Church items available for use at events are listed on the FACILITY USE REQUEST FORM please indicate any items on this form that you will use as well as the quantity.  Any items used must be wiped down/washed and put back in the appropriate storage area, in the way indicated by pictures or written/verbal instructions.

All donations for use of facilities are to be paid to Calvary Ellensburg and put in the wooden “Agape boxes”.

Programs in the sanctuary that require the use of the sound system must have one of the Church’s Sound Technicians on duty for the total hours of the event. There will be a $25 per hour fee to have a Sound Technician (who has been trained on our churches sound system) that will provide basic audio assistance.  Additional fees/people will apply if your event requires greater AV assistance (i.e. lighting, video etc).

Event Coordinator must get permission from Worship Leader for anyone (who has been trained on that instrument)  to play any musical instrument of the churches

An additional fee for parking attendants is required for events with 200 or more attendees.

The person(s) or organization(s) making application for use of the Church facility must agree to indemnify the Church for any damage to Church property by any person(s) participating in or attending the activity. If damage occurs, the person(s) or organization(s) will be invoiced for all repair, replacement, and/or labor costs.

The Applicant assumes liability for injuries to persons attending the event and for damages or loss of user’s property. The Applicant is expected to be considerate of neighbors and of other groups that may be near to or using the Church building.

The Applicant may not distribute any announcements or literature to persons at the Church other than the Applicant’s invitees.
The following are prohibited activities: music with profanity or sexual lyrics, use of profanity or language inappropriate for a church facility, wagering, gambling or games of chance, and any video, still photography or programs inconsistent with Biblical principles.


The Applicant shall be completely responsible for its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, invitees or representatives and it shall discharge or cause to be discharged all of its obligations with respect to such persons under all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

The Applicant and every person connected with any Applicant shall abide by, conform to and comply with all laws, ordinances, orders and requirements of all federal, state, and municipal governments and appropriate departments, commissions, boards and officers thereof applicable to the Applicant and Calvary Ellensburg.

The licensee and all such persons shall abide by, conform to and comply with any rules and regulations to the Applicant for the management and operations of Calvary Ellensburg.

The Applicant shall not do anything to cause Calvary Ellensburg to be in violation of any laws, ordinances, orders and requirements of all federal, state and municipal governments and appropriate departments, commissions, boards, and officers.

 I, the undersigned, on behalf of my organization, understand and ensure conformity to the church policies and regulations as outlined in these “Policies and Regulations Regarding the Use of Church Facilities” which have been reviewed by me. Furthermore, I will require any member(s) of my group, our associates, and/or vendor(s) hired by us for our event(s), whether directly or indirectly, read and comply with these “Rules.”
Use Guidelines. Signature of this form indicates acceptance of all applicable fees and guidelines and responsibilities
Calvary Ellensburg is happy to make our equipment and facility avaible. We do not charge a fee, but if you feel led to make a donation, that can be made on our church's giving webpage or in our agape box.  

Responsibilities after Building Use

Please note that it is the responsibility of the group or individual using the facility to set up, clean up and return the facility to normal setup after the approved event or activity.

  • Collect all garbage in any room used (including classrooms, bathrooms and kitchen and bring it out to the grey garbage in the gated area outside the back door to the right.
  • Wipe off tables and put in table closet (like the picture in the table closet).
  • If food or drink is involved, wipe all tables clean using a mild soap and water solution. - - If stains occur please notify office so correct cleaning solutions can be used to remove stains.  
  • Return all tables, chairs, easels, and other equipment to their proper places after your event.  
  • Remove all items associated with program immediately following the event.
  •  If furniture or equipment is moved it must be put back exactly as it was found.
  •  Put away folding chairs that were used.
  •  Vacuum any area that was used.  
  • Make sure all chairs in Sanctuary get put back in rows with each row having the front outer chair leg on the black tape to mark row start and end.
  • Bathrooms should be swept, garbages emptied and everything wiped with cleaner in janitor closet next to women’s bathroom
  • If the kitchen was used, make sure dishes are in the dishwasher and it's started, counters are wiped and floor swept.  All items used are put away in appropriate cupboards. Leave all dirty dish cloths & towels in white bin under coffee maker. Take all extra food and beverage with you unless specific plans for usage have been made
  • If any classrooms were used make sure it is arranged like pictures in the classroom, vacuumed, garbage emptied.
  • If using the kitchen, please wash and dry all dishes used and return them to the correct cupboard.. Wipe counters and leave kitchen clean and ready for the next use.
  •  Sweep floors and mop as needed. Report any damage to equipment or property promptly to the office.
  •  Remove any items put up on the walls or set out in connection with your event.
  •  If the building is not in use when finished, please check that all interior doors are closed, windows are closed & locked, and lights are off. Then lock up.  

  • There could be more than one activity that uses the kitchen in the same week. Therefore, we request that you check with the event coordinator before you bring your supplies to the kitchen. (If you buy things on sale before your event, make sure you have an extra refrigerator at home that you can store items in or check with the event coordinator for avail. of fridge.)
  • Please return items to designated cupboards. Cupboards are labeled for your convenience.
  • Please take home all food and beverage items. We have limited space to store these in our one refrigerator.

Thank you for your cooperation. Help us with these guidelines. This will allow us to better serve the needs of everyone who uses the kitchen.