The Legacy Ministry is for people in their mid-fifties and older.
Our vision is to continue our spiritual growth together. Using our gifts and life experiences we will help grow our church and community, especially the younger generation.
We will also focus on issues that directly affect our age group today.
We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM. We have a
short worship and devotion session. Followed with a potluck lunch, starting around 12:00 PM.
Ministry Leaders:
Our vision is to continue our spiritual growth together. Using our gifts and life experiences we will help grow our church and community, especially the younger generation.
We will also focus on issues that directly affect our age group today.
We meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM. We have a
short worship and devotion session. Followed with a potluck lunch, starting around 12:00 PM.
Ministry Leaders:

David Hoff
Jeff Jones