Calvary Chapel Ellensburg’s School Of Ministry is a nine-month study course designed to give
growing believers a ministry foundation to build upon in order to
disciple and win the world to Christ locally and abroad.
If you are an everyday person who wants to impact their daily circle of influence, or you desire
to become a missionary or you feel led to eventually become a pastor, this course is a great way to start.
Our School of Ministry provides 17 weeks of impactful curriculum beginning on September 14 th
2023 through May 23, 2024. (Enrollment for the upcoming 2024-25 year begins June 2, 2024.)
Included in this year’s course are audio messages from pastors: Chuck Smith, Jon Courson, Greg
Laurie, Warren Wiersbe, Jim Cymbala, as well as twenty two other well-known, seasoned pastors.
We’ll be studying books from authors: Oswald Sanders, F.B Meyer, Chuck Smith, E.M Bounds,
Brian Brodersen, Oswald Chambers and more.
For our first year students in 2023-24, we are studying the following topics: “The Call To
Ministry”, “Reliance On The Holy Spirit”, “A Grace Centered Gospel”, “The Importance of
Prayer”, “Evangelism”, “Worship”, “Personal Sanctification & Holiness”, and “A Study in Eschatology/End Times”.
You can scroll below to read our Questions and Answers ...
A more detailed two-part INFORMATION SHEET is available to download below
growing believers a ministry foundation to build upon in order to
disciple and win the world to Christ locally and abroad.
If you are an everyday person who wants to impact their daily circle of influence, or you desire
to become a missionary or you feel led to eventually become a pastor, this course is a great way to start.
Our School of Ministry provides 17 weeks of impactful curriculum beginning on September 14 th
2023 through May 23, 2024. (Enrollment for the upcoming 2024-25 year begins June 2, 2024.)
Included in this year’s course are audio messages from pastors: Chuck Smith, Jon Courson, Greg
Laurie, Warren Wiersbe, Jim Cymbala, as well as twenty two other well-known, seasoned pastors.
We’ll be studying books from authors: Oswald Sanders, F.B Meyer, Chuck Smith, E.M Bounds,
Brian Brodersen, Oswald Chambers and more.
For our first year students in 2023-24, we are studying the following topics: “The Call To
Ministry”, “Reliance On The Holy Spirit”, “A Grace Centered Gospel”, “The Importance of
Prayer”, “Evangelism”, “Worship”, “Personal Sanctification & Holiness”, and “A Study in Eschatology/End Times”.
You can scroll below to read our Questions and Answers ...
A more detailed two-part INFORMATION SHEET is available to download below
Ministry Leader

Jeff Jones
Most Commonly Asked Questions and Answers:
Q: Can women attend the School Of Ministry?
A: Yes, women can be a part of our “year one” course.
Q: How much homework is there each week?
A: We have designed this course to involve about 60 minutes per day of homework (including
preparation) for each class which meets every two weeks.
Q: I have a busy life with a family and job. Instead, can I attend this class via Zoom™,
Facetime™ or Skype™ ?
A: Because our classes are designed around robust discussion, prayer and interaction, we are
not allowing online attendance. It is important to attend all classes in person.
Q: Is this class accredited or affiliated with a larger institution?
A: No.
Q. How many classes are students allowed to miss during the year?
A: A total of three.
Q: Is your curriculum provided by an outside organization ... or in-house?
A: Our curriculum has been designed by our pastoral staff with an emphasis upon Calvary
Chapel teachers along with other great men of God who have impacted the church in our generation.
Q: What is the financial cost of this course?
A: All course materials are available at wholesale cost. The entire course costs about $110.00
which we feel is very affordable considering the depth of content offered.
Q: I am interested in this, but I don’t know if I can do something like this...
A: The only thing prohibiting a believer from attending SOM is a lack of strong desire. It’s been
rightly said that “hungry children are healthy children.” We encourage you to first pray and
ask God what His will is. Secondly, ask a pastor as many questions as needed to settle and
strengthen your heart. The benefits far outweigh the sacrifices, and you will experience a
rapid and hopefully dramatic spiritual growth in your walk with Christ. We are here to come
alongside of you, encourage and guide you to completion.
Q: Can women attend the School Of Ministry?
A: Yes, women can be a part of our “year one” course.
Q: How much homework is there each week?
A: We have designed this course to involve about 60 minutes per day of homework (including
preparation) for each class which meets every two weeks.
Q: I have a busy life with a family and job. Instead, can I attend this class via Zoom™,
Facetime™ or Skype™ ?
A: Because our classes are designed around robust discussion, prayer and interaction, we are
not allowing online attendance. It is important to attend all classes in person.
Q: Is this class accredited or affiliated with a larger institution?
A: No.
Q. How many classes are students allowed to miss during the year?
A: A total of three.
Q: Is your curriculum provided by an outside organization ... or in-house?
A: Our curriculum has been designed by our pastoral staff with an emphasis upon Calvary
Chapel teachers along with other great men of God who have impacted the church in our generation.
Q: What is the financial cost of this course?
A: All course materials are available at wholesale cost. The entire course costs about $110.00
which we feel is very affordable considering the depth of content offered.
Q: I am interested in this, but I don’t know if I can do something like this...
A: The only thing prohibiting a believer from attending SOM is a lack of strong desire. It’s been
rightly said that “hungry children are healthy children.” We encourage you to first pray and
ask God what His will is. Secondly, ask a pastor as many questions as needed to settle and
strengthen your heart. The benefits far outweigh the sacrifices, and you will experience a
rapid and hopefully dramatic spiritual growth in your walk with Christ. We are here to come
alongside of you, encourage and guide you to completion.